október 2012 - Oldal 2 a 2-ből - Pannon Egyetem - GTK
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International Week (24-28.09.2012)

Poster by Péter Volf

Poster by Péter Volf

September is the time of the International Week! Fourth time has the Faculty of Business and Economics organised the International Week which is one of the semester opening events. During this week students participate in many professional and entertaining programs.

The two main pillars of the professional programs this year were the “Challenges and Promises in International Business” conference and the special lectures that were held within regular classes. The main topic of the conference presented best practices in intercultural communication, finance, strategy, logistics and network design.

Presenting lecturers were many well-known professors, such as Alt Monika Anetta (Universitatea Babes – Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca), Vincenzo Vespri (Universtà degly Studi di Firenze), Taha Bahadir Sarac (Nidge University) and of course our regular visiting lecturers: Candy Fresacher from Austria, Hans-Christian Pfohl from Germany and Nicholas Chandler from the UK. The Faculty’s host presenters were Dr. Lajos Szabó, Dr. Gyula Vastag and Dr. Alan Clarke.

The International Week offered colourful programmes to bring closer international topics. Students could take part in intercultural communication training by AIESEC, take an adventurous ERASMUS journey in Poland with Iván Varga, taste the flavours of a Summer School in Ankara with BEST and receive interesting information about Human Rights through a non-formal education game presented by Márk Szalma. Of course the traditional World Travellers’ Club took part as well. This time Csilla Zelkó guided the audience to the world of Ethiopia.

The International Party – the new program this year – was organised on Tuesday night with the co-operation of DC club where an international themed party awaited the students.

As a closing of this eventful week, on Saturday our international students offered samples of their own national food for the citizens of Veszprém in the downtown.

Corridor Gallery: Six Continents World Landscapes

"Even the zebras are interested!" Fotó: Candy Fresacher

"Even the zebras are interested!" Fotó: Candy Fresacher

Six Continents World Landscapes – A Photo Exhibition by Candy Fresacher

From September 26 till October 10 at the Corridor Gallery Building A 1 floor

Five pictures of each of six continents from travelling over a period of ten years are on display

Travel to every continent except the Antarctic to see landscapes from the abstract and small to those showing wide open spaces. Predominant colors: blues, browns and greens – the pallet of nature. From the Baobab Bunch to the Lone Island, pictures from Tanzania to the Philippines may give you a different perspective of far-off countries.

World Travellers’ Club: Tanzanian Safari

Fotó: Candy Fresacher

Fotó: Candy Fresacher

Tanzanian Safari – Presented by Candy Fresacher

7pm, October 10, 2012

World Travellers’ Club

Central Dorm (Központi Kollégium, Egyetem Street 10)

In Swahili “safari” means a journey. So come and take a journey with us to Tanzania to see the animals and scenery of the Serengeti and Ngorongoro Crater and three other national parks of the north.

The most important part of a safari is to see the African Big Five: lions, leopards, rhinoceros, buffalo and elephants. But there are plenty of other animals and birds, plants, lakes, streams, mountains and grass to open your eyes and ears to the stories they have to tell. And it is their story: you – the human being – are just an observer, someone trying to patch together the tales you see into the fabrics that make up the circle of life.

Come and enjoy the sights, see if you can find the animals in the scenery and come up with some stories of your own.

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Köztársasági ösztöndíjas hallgatóink

A Pannon Egyetemen a 2012/2013. tanévre, kimagasló tanulmányi és tudományos teljesítményük alapján köztársasági ösztöndíjban részesülnek az alábbi hallgatók.

Alapszakos hallgatóink közül
Bánkuti Petra
Boldoczki Balázs
Domján Enikő Mária
Friedrich Nóra
Kőhalmi Aletta
Zsolnai Tímea

Kapuvári Krisztina

Kiváló teljesítményükhöz ezúton is gratulálunk!



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