On 20-22 April 2023, Selye János University in Komárom hosted the 36th OTDK (National Scientific Student Conference) Section on Economics. The event attracted 602 submissions from Hungarian higher education institutions in Hungary and abroad, of which 519 were presented in 71 categories.
The students of the Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Pannonia were eligible to participate in the 2021 and 2022 Institutional and Faculty rounds of the OTDK, 27 of them decided to enter and present their entries. The 29 presentations (2 students entered 2-2 submissions) took place on Thursday afternoon and Friday. The results were presented at the closing event on Saturday. The students of the Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Pannonia won 4 first, 1 second, 1 third place and 4 special prizes. This achievement ranked the institution 5th out of 27 higher education institutions.
The detailed results:
1st place winners:
- Krisztina Kiglics, supervisor: Dr Eszter Bogdány
- Mo Fan, subject leader: Dr Ágnes Raffay-Danyi
- Patrícia Fanni Porkoláb, supervisor: Dr Zoltán András Dániel
- Sadh Sathawattey, subject leader: Dr Petra Gyurácz-Németh
2nd place winner:
- Kitti Lekszikov, supervised by Dr Nóra Obermayer and Dr Tibor Csizmadia
3rd place winner:
- Patrícia Fanni Porkoláb, supervisor: Dr Zoltán András Dániel
Special prize winners:
- Enikő Rédei, supervisor: Kitti Hiezl
- Dzsesszika Schimmer, subject leader: Dr Zoltán András Dániel
- Zoltán Ujtz, subject leader: Dr Zoltán András Dániel
- Adrienn Varjaskéri, supervisor: Dr Flórián Strack
In addition to the prize winners, all participants are thanked for the hard work and effort they put in to reach the national competition.
They were the ones who, in addition to the runners-up, represented the faculty at the OTDK, contributing to an even more positive image of the Faculty of Business and Economics, thus enhancing the knowledge of its graduates in the labour market.
- Bianka Barabás, supervisors: Dr Tibor Zsolt Kosztyán and Dr Csaba Hegedűs
- Fanni Cser, supervisors Péter Mészáros and Dr Zoltán András Dániel
- Míra Gergácz, subject leader: Dr Zoltán András Dániel
- Éva Erzsébet Jarjabka, subject leader: Dr. Zoltán András Dániel
- Gergő Józsa, subject leader: Dr Szilvia Kántor
- Dénes Kiss, subject leader: Dr Zsolt Tibor Kosztyán
- Vivien Mészáros, subject leader: Dr Annamária Sasné Grósz
- Mónika Ossik, supervisors: Nikolett Bosnyák-Simon and Dr Dorottya Edina Kozma
- Mónika Ossik, subject leader: Nikolett Bosnyák-Simon
- Patrícia Fanni Porkoláb, supervisor: Dr Zoltán András Dániel (presented her tesis in the Social Geography subsection of the FiFöMa Section in Veszprém)
- Krisztina Sinka, supervisor: Dr Eszter Bogdány
- Zsanett Slavati, supervisor: Dr Zoltán András Dániel
- Szelina Steiger, supervisor: Dr Szilvia Kántor
- Frank Strack, subject leader: Dr Ildikó Neumanné Virág
- Adrienn Anna Süle, supervised by Veronika László and Nóra Mezőfi
- Adrienn Éva Szmulai, subject leader: Dr Zoltán András Dániel
- Evelin Laura Tóth, subject leader: Dr Annamária Sasné Grósz
- Petra Török, subject leader: Dr Zoltán András Dániel
- Balázs Üst, supervisors: Nikolett Bosnyák-Simon and Dr Zoltán András Dániel
Thanks are also due to the theme leaders and all those who have contributed to the success of the last 2 years, whether as judges, theme leaders, helpers, jury members or through their work in the NTP competitions.