Hello everybody,
My name is Sandra Hartmann and I study “Health Management in Tourism” at the University of Applied Science in Austria, Bad Gleichenberg.
I have decided to come to Hungary, Veszprem, to improve my English skills as well as my Hungarian skills (I already studied the hungarian language in Austria for three months). In my future I would like to work in the tourism sector, especially in the field of sustainable tourism. Working in the field of sustainable tourism is for me the utmost concern. During my travels through the USA, Australia and in Europe I have seen that this field has a high potential and the University of Pannonia gives me a great opportunity to visit classes which are specialized in (sustainable) tourism, just to mention some foreign language courses: Re-thinking Tourism, Rural Tourism and Consumer Behavior in Tourism.
Being abroad, not just for a vacation, but for a couple of months, is a great experience. It gives you the chance to get to know the culture, the mentality and to broaden your horizon as well as to increase international communication skills and competence.
Since I am here, I met a lot of great people and I am sure the next months are going to be great! I am very happy that I have chosen Veszprem for my Erasmus-Stay!
Gesundheitsmanagement im Tourismus
FH Joanneum
Bad Gleichenberg