Independent Institution of Economics was established in 2003 at the University of Pannonia. It was the progenitor of the recent Faculty of Business and Economics which was first in the country, received the Higher Education Quality Award in 2008 in the category of Organisation Unit.
In 2014 the Faculty become a member of the AACSB International (The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business). Membership is a valuable resource of the development of the Faculty, making international contacts and world-wide reputation. The accreditation means competitive advantage, which influences our Faculty’s market position, members, staff and students as well and it ensures the value of the degree and increases employment rates among the graduates.
Since joining the values of the Faculty of Business and Economics has been closely aligned with the AACSB standards:
The primary objective of the Faculty of Business and Economics is the education of economists and the further education and retraining of executives in a wide range of business areas. The aim is to produce professionals who are capable of creating, managing and leading systems of enterprises of national importance. The Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Pannonia is recognised as a constantly growing and important intellectual centre in the Transdanubia region and contributes to the functioning and improvement of the public and civil society with its high quality education, research and development activities.
The Faculty of Business and Economics provides a variety of courses corresponding to the needs of the local and international market. Education is conducted in an international environment in small-size groups, which encourages the development of individual abilities. Students are invited to participate in research projects assisting internationally acknowledged professors. Due to our active business partnerships, students can gain real-life practical experience both in the classroom and during their internships. The multifaceted development of students’ competences is important to us so we place great emphasis on involving the students in extra-curricular talent management activities such as Knowledge Academy, Marketing Focus Lab (, Scientific Student Competitions, Startup Lab, research groups and mentoring network.

Researchers of the Faculty of Economics are involved with great interest in the study of the socio – economic effects of the climate change, environmental protection, sustainability and the circular economy underlined in shaping the attitudes of – especially young – people, and in the communication of the scientific results.
Along these principles, the Faculty of Business and Economics places great emphasis on research and development and works on innovative solutions that represent development and progress for both students and business partners.
- Research Centre (of Faculty of Business and Economics):
The Research Centre was established with the aim of encouraging researchers of the Faculty of Business and Economics to set up research groups and enhance their research activities, support scientific research, evaluate results, coordinate conference attendance and increase the number of scientific publications.
Contact person: Zoltán VERES, Full Professor
- Sustainability Competence Centre Based on Circular Economics:
Under the leadership of the Faculty of Business and Economics, three sub-projects are implemented within the main direction of Sustainable Tourism: Tourism all year round – Marketing innovation for the extension of the Lake Balaton season; Sustainable Festivals and Events – Developing Visitor and Organizational Attitudes; Circular economy attitude formation programmes.
Contact person: Katalin LŐRINCZ, Associate Professor
- Balaton Tourism Research Institute (BATUKI):
The institute was established in 2015 with the mission to be a key player in tourism in the Balaton region as an innovative professional workshop integrating theoretical knowledge and practical experience. The activities of the organisation cover the entire tourism experience chain, from tourism development plans to market research and analysis to monitoring, ie measuring the success and impact of implemented projects.
Contact person: Judit SULYOK, Senior Research Fellow
- Industry 4.0 – Research for sustainable regional industrial development – Industry and digitization in research:
Based on technical innovation and applied economic solutions, competitive Industry 4.0 solutions have a social and economic impact at regional and national level through the economic growth they cause. This will improve the life prospects of the Hungarian generations and increase the population retention power of the region. The aim of the coherent system of basic and applied research formulated in the project is to develop the methodology and tools necessary for the “glocal” development of Industry 4.0 solutions.
Contact person: Nóra OBERMAYER, Full Professor
- Post-Normal Syntheses in Management Sciences and Business Administration:
The research group focuses on aspects of complex science-related issues that tend to be less addressed in traditional accounts of scientific practice but showing high potential. The research group examines and answers research questions that sensitively affect the scientific and professional community and are of interest to them. Studies apply integrative approaches and methodologies. The scientific contribution of the research group lies in the fact that we examine the addressed topics with a multidisciplinary approach, using the most up-to-date methods. Research topics are connected by an iterative and integrative methodology that combines data-driven and model-driven approaches. The research group would like to show an example of utilizing the synergies inherent in the cooperation of different disciplines.
Contact person: Tibor CSIZMADIA, Associate Professor
- Regional competitiveness analysis at regional and municipal level from an entrepreneurial and fiscal perspective: Examining regional competitiveness at the regional and municipal level from an entrepreneurial and fiscal point of view, one focus of the research is to find out what differences can be found at the regional and county level, beyond the similarities resulting from the national SME strategy. The research will focus on the spatial aspects of SME development, taking into account the spatial characteristics of the main economic indicators specific to the sector, such as the value added generated by micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, their role in local employment, and the related quantitative and qualitative spatial characteristics of the workforce. The main aim of our research is to show the links between territorial competitiveness and the competitiveness of SMEs and how these links can be transformed into positive synergies, as well as the similarities and differences between the development of the SME sector at county and regional level.
Contact person: Dorottya Edina KOZMA, Senior Lecturer
- National Laboratory for Social Innovation:
The establishment and operation of the National Laboratory for Social Innovation must be carried out in a widespread cooperation of different parties: scientific institutions, local governments, non-governmental organizations, and economic actors. The initiative can also generate rapid development and achievements in the area of human-centered development and penetration of new technologies in a relatively short period of time. Hungary can become a front-ranker in the area of social innovations.
Contact person: Beáta FEHÉRVÖLGYI, Associate Professor, Dean of the FBE
- Sustainable, intelligent and inclusive regional and city models:
The general objective of the program is to increase the international embeddedness of the basic research defined in the project in the field of regional and economic sciences through the achievement of high visibility and participation in Horizon 2020 projects and European research networks and research programs, as well as European research sites, on the development side, in a targeted and thematic manner, within the framework of a consortium organized around the development of intelligent systems. With the implementation of the consortium project, the institutions aim to become more active in the field of regional and economic sciences in order to accelerate the deployment of the knowledge-based economy and cooperate with the actors of international research and development programs. The aim of the thematic research project is to increase the potential of participating institutions in the R&D&I theme, whose long-term results will be accelerated in building the knowledge-based economy. The project is officially closed, but the researchers are open to further collaboration on the results.
Contact person: Katalin LŐRINCZ, Associate Professor
Faculty of Business and Economics has an open eyes to national and EU funded projects to cooperate with other actors of scientific life providing focus on their own research area and letting influence by other skills and experiences. Results of the different projects are always built in the development strategies offering open-minded and modern approach to researchers, lecturers and students as well.
The Faculty of Business and Economics operates with three institutes and ten departments and a prestigious doctoral school and has six programmes taught full in English:
Institute of Business Studies
- Department of Marketing (Programme in English: MSc in Marketing)
Department of Accounting and Finance (Programme in English: MSc in Management and Leadership Controlling and Management Decisions Supporting specialisation)
- Department of Tourism (Programmes in English: BSc in Tourism and Catering, MSc in Management and Leadership Sustainable Tourism Management specialisation)
Institute of Economics
- Department of Economics
- Department of Business Economics (Programme in English: BSc in Business Administration and Management)
- Department of International Economics (Programmes in English: BSc in International Business Economics; MSc in Management and Leadership International Management specialisation)
Institute of Management
- Department of Management (Programme in English: MSc in Management and Leadership/Human Resources and Organisation Development Management specialisation)
- Department of Innovation Management
- Department of Quantitative Methods
- Department of Supply Chain Management (Programme in English: MSc in Management and Leadership Logistics and Supply Chain Management specialisation)
Doctoral School of Management Sciences and Business Administration
In case of cooperation, we are interested in any form of
- researcher, lecturer and student exchange,
- sharing internship opportunities,
- participation in common project works,
- case study competitions,
- field trips,
- curriculum development,
- e-learning and training projects,
- joint research.
Contact person:
Tünde Vajda, international coordinator