Professor Peter Mihalyi, Head of the Department of Finance was one of the invited quests of the 2nd International Workshop of the Group for Research in Organisational Evolution (GROE). The workshop was held on 20-21 September, 2013 in Hitchin Priory, Hitchin, Hertfordshire, UK.
GROE is one of the established research units within the University of Hertfordshire Business School, in Hatfield, Hertfordshire, UK. It is an interdisciplinary research unit, building on cutting-edge research in institutional economics, evolutionary economics, sociology, management, complexity studies, law, philosophy, psychology, evolutionary biology and other disciplines. GROE hosts the Journal of Institutional Economics, published by Cambridge University Press. The most prestigious speaker of the conference was Mr. Masahiko Aiko from Stanford University (on the picture see him in the middle of the first row).