Methodology Research Group (MRG)
Is an informal research group within the Faculty of Busines and Economics of Pannon University. Its members are researchers working at the University of Pannonia, but it is open to any researcher or research group dealing with quantitative and methodological issues and research.
The research group deals with the analysis and planning of large economic and social systems. Featured research topics and projects within this:
Analyzing Complex Structures:
- Planning and Scheduling Large-scale project portfolios (Planning and Scheduling Large-scale project portfolios)
- Maintainability of large systems (Maintenance Management of Complex System)
- Process mining, developing complex process control systems and procedures (Process Mining, Developing Complex Control Systems and Applications)
Reliability and Risk Management:
- Advanced Hierarchical Multi-Dimensional Failure Mode and Effect Analysis
- Error propagation and error analysis on complex networks (e.g. supply chains) (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis in Supply Chains)
Research on Synergy, Impacts and Added Values:
- Quantification, economic and economic analysis of the effects and added value of projects (Project Impact and Added Value Analysis)
- Synergy research and their application in human resource planning of multi-projects (Synergy Analysis of Human Resources on Mult-Projects)
Educational research (Edumining)
- Examining student applications and their effects
- Dropout Analysis
The head of the research group:
Prof. Dr Zsolt T. Kosztyán
Members of:
- Dr. Tibor Csizmadia (GTK, Institute of Management)
- Dr. Csaba Hegedűs (GTK, Department of Supply Chain Management)
- Dr. Zoltán Kovács (GTK, Department of Supply Chain Management)
- Dr. Attila I. Katona (GTK, Institute Department of Quantitative Methods)
- Dr. Gergely L. Novák (GTK, Institute Department of Quantitative Methods)
The students involved in the research:
Tünde Király, Bianka Barabás
The PhD students involved in the research:
Péter Harta, Róbert Jakab, Dénes Kiss, István Mihalcz
Visiting researchers:
Dr Aamir Saghir, Dr Zahid Khan
Presentation of results in education:
The results of research are also presented in the Business Data Science BA, the Public Policy Data Analysis postgraduate courses, and the Quantitative Methods and Econometrics specialization of the Doctoral School of Business and Organizational Sciences.
Awarded and participating ongoing tenders:
OTKA K 142395: Modeling large-scale, self-organizing economic networks. TKP2021-NVA-10: Integrated monitoring and decision support system that improves the efficiency and safety of ABV detection and disaster prevention tasks.
Five important publication from the last three years:
- Kosztyán Zs. T., Csizmadia T., Katona A. I. (2021): SIMILAR – Systematic iterative multilayer literature review method. Journal of Informetrics, 15(1). p. 101111
- Kosztyán Zs. T., Telcs A., Abonyi J. (2022): A multi-block clustering algorithm for high dimensional binarized sparse data. Expert Systems with Applications, 2022. vol 191. p. 116219
- Kosztyán Zs. T., Katona A. I., Kuppens K., Kisgyörgy-Pál M., Nachbagauer A., (2022): Exploring the structures and design effects of EU-funded R&D&I project portfolios. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 180. p. 121687
- Kosztyán Zs. T., Novák G., Jakab R., Szalkai I., Hegedűs Cs. (2023): A matrix-based flexible project-planning library and indicators. Expert Systems with Applications 216 p 119472
- Kosztyán Zs. T., Katona A.I., Kurbucz M.T., Lantos Z. (2024): Generalized network-based dimensionality analysis. Expert Systems with Applications 238 p 121779
Zsolt T. Kosztyán, kosztyan.zsolt@gtk.uni-pannon.hu