Hello! Jirka vagyok! I live in the heart of Europe, in the Czech Republic. I know that Hungarians disagree, but it is the only thing which they could do
I live aproximately 60 kilometers far away northly from my capital in a nice historical and royal town called Litoměřice. It is situated in a very nice landscape of the České Středohoří Mountains (protected landscape area), upon the Labe River, one of the most important rivers in my country. There are over 26 000 inhabitants. If you visit my country, do not miss Litoměřice. However my university town is situated just vice versa in the south of the country in České Budějovice. My branch of study is Management of Commerce with specialization Tourism. In the meanwhile I have enjoyed it very much. And I am very thankful I got the occasion to study abroad.
My hobbies are travelling, learning about new cultures and sport. I have not visited such many countries in my life yet. As you surely know this hobby is very expensive. However I could tick off next country, Hungary But I have met a big number of various cultures. What can I say about Hungarians? A very kind nation, but everything takes them more time than necessary
My favourite sport is volleyball, I love this game, it always makes me free
And I am happy I can join volleyball “lessons“ here in Veszprém as well.
Because I worked as the Český Krumlov State Castle Tour Guide (the UNESCO monument) last two summers, I think I am a little experienced in tourism industry. And in Veszprém I can see an occasion to develop myself. Of course I visited Veszprémi Vár. It is a nice castle. In my opinion the Český Krumlov Castle is nicer If you are interested in this castle, do not hesitate and ask me. I would be happy to share my knowledge
Why did I choose University of Pannonia? Truth of the matter there is not big choice in my university. But how I found already Veszprém is charmed town. More windy than usual though It doesn’t matter. I am really satisfied with my choice. I have met new friends here including other Erasmus students and Hungarians. I am trying to get over Hungarian language obstacles. I hope I will succeed in it. We will see before my departure.
Management of Commerce – Tourism
University of South Bohemia
České Budějovice