The planned program of the Institutional Scientific Student Conference:
9:00 Department meetings – some presentations will be in English, see details below
12:00 Lunch (Room A/8)
1:00 p.m. PhD section (Room A/3) – the whole section will be in English
1:00 p.m. Presentation by Gábor Molnár: How did I use my TDK experience on the labor market? (Room A/7)
Global-local processes section (Room A/3)
- Dr Eszter Madarász – President
- Dr Melinda Koczor-Keul
- Veronika László
- Bálint Jahni – Secretary
9:50 Mo Fan: New way to travel: Travel Live Streaming (Témavezető: Dr. Raffay-Danyi Ágnes Nóra)
10:40 Gimadieva Adeliia: Local tourism products: how to design local products and services for specific tourist destination? (On example of Italian cultural heritage) (Témavezető: Csizmadiáné Dr. Czuppon Viktória)
11:05 Shadi Hooshmand: The enterprenuership in Iran and the comparison between the methods of it to developed countries (Témavezető: Csizmadiáné Dr. Czuppon Viktória)
PhD section (Room A/3)
- Dr Zoltán Kovács – Elnök
13:00 Veronika László: The role of trust in sustainable short food supply chains
13:25 Eszter Németh: A systematic literature review and visual analysis of the university innovation ecosystem from a perspective of a fruitful partnership
13:50 Gabriela Michalecová: The success of impersonal organizational trust
14:15 Vivien Vágner: Organisational knowledge sustainability
14:40 Kitti Lekszikov: Knowledge management in higher education
The program is part of NTP-HHTDK-21-0033 “Participation in the National Scientific Student Conference and its scientific workshops and the performance of management tasks”. is implemented within the framework of the project.