Dear Graduate Student!
You are hereby cordially invited to the Graduation Ceremony of the Faculty of Business and Economics, which will take place on 9 February 2023 at 11 a.m.
IMPORTANT! If you would like to attend the ceremony, please make sure to indicate your intention to attend on the discharg sheet.
However, we would like to inform you that the number of guests in the Lobby of Building B is limited (2 persons per students) and seating is not available. When you collect your graduation gown, you will be able to collect 2 guest tickets which will allow them to enter the lobby.
The event will be broadcast online and projected for relatives and other invited guests in auditoriums A/1 and A/2 (Building A). We recommend that your guests follow the ceremony in one of the comfortable auditoriums, where seating and drinking water will be available, rather than in the overcrowded Aula.
Wearing of graduation gown is compulsory at the graduation ceremony for free of charge. The gowns can be picked up before the ceremony between 8:00 and 10:00 in the cloakroom in corridor B-C of building B. It is not necessary to specify the size of the gown in advance, you will be able to choose the right size on the spot. Students are kindly requested not to leave the University territory in their gowns and to return them as soon as possible after the ceremony.
Please wear appropriate cloths for the ceremony (e.g. ladies: blouse, dark skirt, dress or suit, closed shoes appropriate to the occasion; gentlemen: suit or dark trousers, shirt, closed shoes appropriate to the occasion).
Printed invitations to the graduation ceremony can be collected at the office in Building A Room 224 from 16 January 2023 (opening hours: Mon-Fri: 9:00-15:30, Fridays 9:00-13:00).
Invitations can also be downloaded online from here >>>
Please note that renovation works are taking place on campus, which means that parking for participants and their relatives will not be available. Parking is recommended in the car parks in the city centre (e.g. in front of Hotel Veszprém, Bagolyvári street car park, Szeglethy street underground car park, Hangvilla underground car park. Please note that parking on the surrounding streets (Móricz Zs. u., Hóvirág u., Nárcisz u., Viktor Hugo u., Búzavirág u., Toborzó u.) is subject to a fee, there are no parking machines, mobile parking is possible at 20 or 30 or 70/763-8003. Thank you for your understanding.