Data, information, systems and platforms – organisations and individuals alike are swimming in a sea of accumulated and relatively easily accessible knowledge. We have to face the fact that technological advances, digitalisation and Industry 5.0 are generating challenges to which not only business but also societies have to respond. It is a big task to adapt knowledge management tools to societal units, while at the same time providing education and awareness in a society made up of small local communities. Veszprém, as the European Capital of Culture 2023, is using culture and community-building tools to seek answers to major societal challenges, while the University of Pannonia is using science and education to explore their business and societal impacts. Under the theme of Organizational and Social Management of Societal Challenges, we welcome researchers, students, entrepreneurs and all those who can contribute to the knowledge of this topic to participate in ECKM 2024, which will be held at the University of Pannonia in Veszprém, Hungary.
ECKM 2024 will also host the final round of The 10th Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital Excellence Awards
Conference Chair: Prof. Dr. habil. Nóra Obermayer
Programme Chair: Prof. Dr. habil. Andrea Bencsik