associate professor
Building “A” 1st floor Room 115
e-mail: formadi.katalin@gtk.uni-pannon.hu
Dr. Katalin FORMÁDI
- Introduction to marketing (BA)
- Business communication (BA)
- Sales management(BA)
- Consumer behaviour (BA)
- B2B and services marketing (BA)
- Doctoral degree in Sociology, Corvinus University, (PhD -18 / 2011)
- Sociologist – Economist (MA), Public Opinion Research,
- Economics in Tourism and Hospitality (BA), University of Pannonia
- Event Management Certificate, George Washington University, Washington DC., USA
- Tariff ticket exhibition, Start-Amadeus, Budapest
- English: Advanced level
- Russian: Intermediate level
- Italian: Intermediate level
- German: Basic level
- Labor market analysis and employment characteristics of tourism (job orientation, work attitudes, mobility, etc.)
- Career tracking of graduated
- Professionalization – the emergence of new professions consumer feedback, market impact
- Social impact assessment of tourism
- Examining consumer behavior in tourism – the role of sustainability
- Social and economic impact assessment of festivals, festival economics subproject research group leader, EFOP-3.6.1-16-2016-00012 no. With innovative solutions to increase the efficiency of R & D activities in Zala County
- Innovative technology supporting heritage protection TÁMOP 3.2.15-2015-0001
- WELDEST International Project, Partner and Project Manager, LLP “EAC / 49/2010”
- “TourBo Meets Europe” Leisure Management Assistant, Leonardo Transfer of Innovation Project, Curriculum Developer and Trainer
- Career follow-up examination at the University of Pannonia, DPR research series, professional research leader (qualitative and quantitative research)
- E-Vocabulary 12-language online tourism professional dictionary development, Leonardo project expert, Leonardo da Vinci project, No. 2006-CZ / 06 / B / F / LA-168021
- Making Tourism Work: an Initiative for the Wellness and Tourism Sector, Leonardo Program Coordinator and Project Manager (Project Manager), Leonardo da Vinci Project, HU / 06 / B / F / PP-170025
- Career tracking examination of students majoring in tourism, qualitative examination, professional research leader, DPR research
- Hungarian Regional Sientific Society
- Editorial board member in Acta Scientarium Socialum
- Member of the Hungarian Sociological Society
- Hungarian Academy of Siences, member
- Association for Marketing Education and Research membership
- Monday 12:00-13:00 (pre-negotiation by e-mail required)