Associate Professor
Building “A” 1st floor Room 112
Phone: +36 88 624-000/6311
e-mail: madarasz.eszter@gtk.uni-pannon.hu
- Introduction to Tourism
- Tourism marketing
- Tour Operation
- The Social Relations of Business
- Managing Tourism Enterprises
- Economist, BA in Tourism (2001)
- Economist, MA in Marketing and Management (2003)
- English (B2)
- German (B2/C1)
- Tourism marketing
- Network analysis in tourism
- Regional partnerships, marketing activities in tourism
- Consumer behavior in tourism
- The Wine Lab (www.thewinelab.eu)
- Off to Spas (www.offtospas.eu)
- Fenntartható, befogadó és intelligens városi modellek (http://susmain.uni-pannon.hu/fooldal/)
- Hungarian Regional Science Association
- Tuesday 9:00-10:00, and Monday 11:00-12:00 (pre-negotiation by e-mail required)