Call for applications for the “Study Scholarships for International Students” Gallery Call for applications for the “Study Scholarships for International Students” Katalin Ivan2025-03-12T15:22:28+01:00 Call for applications for the “Study Scholarships for International Students”Katalin Ivan2025-03-12T15:22:28+01:00
Jim Brodzinski and Elaine Crable visit the Faculty Gallery Jim Brodzinski and Elaine Crable visit the Faculty Gabor Kohlrusz2022-05-11T11:11:11+02:00 Jim Brodzinski and Elaine Crable visit the FacultyGabor Kohlrusz2022-05-11T11:11:11+02:00
The University of Pannonia joins forces with Flex Ltd. Gallery The University of Pannonia joins forces with Flex Ltd. Gabor Kohlrusz2022-02-28T11:45:23+01:00 The University of Pannonia joins forces with Flex Ltd.Gabor Kohlrusz2022-02-28T11:45:23+01:00
IMPORTANT! Information regarding distance education Gabor Kohlrusz2020-03-16T17:09:55+01:00 IMPORTANT! Information regarding distance educationGabor Kohlrusz2020-03-16T17:09:55+01:00
Rector and Chancellor’s joint information circular No. 2/2020. (III.12.) Gabor Kohlrusz2020-03-13T10:12:27+01:00 Rector and Chancellor’s joint information circular No. 2/2020. (III.12.)Gabor Kohlrusz2020-03-13T10:12:27+01:00
Rector and Chancellor’s joint decree Gabor Kohlrusz2020-03-12T09:32:40+01:00 Rector and Chancellor’s joint decreeGabor Kohlrusz2020-03-12T09:32:40+01:00
Student kitchen handover ceremony with surprise Gabor Kohlrusz2019-11-27T08:34:40+01:00 Student kitchen handover ceremony with surpriseGabor Kohlrusz2019-11-27T08:34:40+01:00
SUMMER UNIVERSITY 2019 – Study in the heart of Europe Katalin Ivan2019-02-22T14:42:35+01:00 SUMMER UNIVERSITY 2019 – Study in the heart of EuropeKatalin Ivan2019-02-22T14:42:35+01:00
Multinational Culinary Event Gallery Multinational Culinary Event Gabor Kohlrusz2018-08-09T08:58:34+02:00 Multinational Culinary EventGabor Kohlrusz2018-08-09T08:58:34+02:00
PRESS RELEASE – I-SICS International Social Innovation Competition Kit Katalin Ivan2017-06-29T08:23:06+02:00 PRESS RELEASE – I-SICS International Social Innovation Competition KitKatalin Ivan2017-06-29T08:23:06+02:00