CC 2.0 by pankrus
This term the American Corner is screening documentaries on American Presidents as part of our monthly Movie and Pizza Nights.
Come and join us next Wednesday at 18.00 to watch and discuss the next must-see documentary.
On February 23, 2011 we are screening the PBS documentary The Professional Politician, which shows us the achievements of the following presidents: Martin Van Buren, James Buchanan, Abraham Lincoln and Lyndon B. Johnson.
The movie is shown in English with English subtitles.
Attendance is free. Pizza comes from one of the best restaurants in town. Everybody interested is welcome.
Fill out our quiz after the movie to win an American Corner mug.
Do not forget to register to this movie at veszprem@americancorner.hu.
The American Corner provides pizza to all registered participants for free.
Time: 18.00 Wednesday, February 23., 2011
Venue: Nagy Laszlo Room, Eotvos Karoly County Library, Veszprem, Komakut ter 3.