The 24th Conference of the International Purchasing Education and Research Association (IPSERA) was hosted by VU University Amsterdam and organised together with the University of Pannonia, Veszprém. More than 200 participants from more than 20 countries presented and discussed more than 145 conference papers during three and a half days, which included a Doctoral Workshop and a special Educators Conference as pre-Conference events.
The Welcome reception on Sunday evening was in the Council Hall of the City of Amsterdam, where the Chief Procurement Officer of Amsterdam, Hans Dussel, welcomed the participants with an interesting presentation about social targets and economic targets in city procurement.
On Monday, two key note speakers presented after the official opening of the Conference in the VU University Aula. Professor Jan Fransoo (TU Eindhoven) dealt with the academic key note, while Stijn Kiens – Head Logistics Doctors without Borders (Médicins Sans Frontières) – had a fascinating presentation about the operations of setting up supply systems in crisis areas. „Effectiveness, rather than efficiency” and „independence rather than efficiency” where some of the criteria used in deciding who to partner with, how to maintain neutrality and most of all, how to help those in need. The main motivator was „outrage”. Outrage about what happened to certain tribes, nations or minorities. Stuff to make you think about things…
The remainder of the days was filled between 8.30 and 17.00 with hard work: presenting, discussing, meetings, Assembly, the usual conference activities. The evenings were spent on social activities, a buffet dinner in the wonderful Zuiderkerk on Monday and on Tuesday the Gala Conference Dinner in the famous marble hall of the Royal Institute of the Tropics. Here, the various awards for best papers were handed out, and the numerous bursaries that IPSERA has for promising young talents. The IPSERA Best Paper went to Nadine Kiratli (Maastricht University) for her paper on Team Creativity. The IFPSM Best Paper with managerial implications went to Cees Gelderman (OU Heerlen) for his work on the role of Critical Incidents in designing Globalisation Strategies. The Nevi Zorg Best Paper in Health care procurement went to Fredo Schotanus (university Twente) for the work on Cooperative procurement.
A special award was given for the first time in the history of IPSERA: the Life Time Achievement Award. It was awarded to Prof. Attila Chikán, for his work in the field of Purchasing and Supply Management.
Altogether, it was a very successful conference and I would like to thank my Team members of the local Organising Committee for the very good cooperation!
Written by Prof. Dirk-Jan Kamann

Listening to the presentation in the City Council Hall: from left to right: Prof. Sander de Leeuw (VU), Nienke Hofstra (VU), Prof Dirk-Jan Kamann (Pannonia), Prof. Helen Walker (President IPSERA), Prof. Wout Dullaert (VU)

Stijn Kiens of Doctors without Borders Logistics Amsterdam in his key-note speech. Photo by Rudi Wells Fotografie.

From left to right: Prof. Dirk-Jan Kamann (Pannon, Chairman of the Jury), Mr. Malcolm Youngson (CEO IFPSM) and Dr. Cees Gelderman (Open University Heerlen) for receiving the Best Paper with Managerial Implications. Photo by Rudi Wells Fotografie.

Prof. Attila Chikán (Corvinus, HALPIM), after receiving the IPSERA Life Time Achievement Award at the Conference Dinner in Amsterdam. Photo by Rudi Wells Fotografie.

The Local Organising Committee, from left to right: Prof Dirk-Jan Kamann (Pannonia), Prof. Sander de Leeuw (VU), Nienke Hofstra (VU), Prof. Wout Dullaert, (VU), Chair. Photo by Rudi Wells Fotografie.