The Foundation for the University of Pannonia calls the attention of the full-time and correspondent students (both Hungarian citizen or foreign citizen falling under the same category by international agreement or legislation) of the University of Pannonia – being state-supported or self-funded/feepaying, that based on the regulations, they may submit an application for the Scientific Students’ Association Scholarship (in the followings: Scholarship) for the 2nd semester of the 2022/2023 school
An application may be submitted by every BA, MA and other higher education vocational student or student of an undivided training of the University of Pannonia, who
- does not have a previously submitted TDK paper with the same topic in the University of Pannonia at the time of application
- has an active student status in the period of the application
- maintains his or her active student status during the period of the scholarship
- agrees to carry out research activity with the help of a supervisor during the period of the scholarship and
- participates on the institutional/faculty Conference of the Scientific Students’ Association and present his or her research results.
The sum of the TDK Scholarship is: 100.000. – HUF/month/application.
Application can be done by the request found in the Neptun system under the tabs: Administration/Requests.
Starting date of submission: 15th of October 2022. End: 21:59, 15th of November 2022.
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