The University of Pannonia is calling for applications to complete foreign part-time studies or internships as part of the Erasmus+ programme financed by the European Union. And what’s so good about it:

✔ you can travel several locations to get international experiences;
✔ you can improve your language skills;
✔ develop your other skills like communication, problem solving, creativity etc;
✔ be an open minded person, get knowledge from different cultures;
✔ get more social capital;
✔ get more independent, pointful and well informed!

Why don’t you travel too? Everyone can get a scholarship!

Just spend a half or a whole year in one of our receiving institution  partner in 2019/2020 and discover the country, get new connections what you can use after you finished your studies!



Deadline: 1 April, 2019!

Where to hand in the applications?

Veszprém: Kolos Adorján, Directorate of Academic Affairs, International Office, Office no. 5, Building „A” (10 Egyetem utca)


The original appeal with more information>>>