Scientific Research Fellow
Building “A” 1st floor Room 110
Phone: +36 88 624-000/6313
e-mail: hajmasy.gyongyi@gtk.uni-pannon.hu
- Destination Management
- Hotel Managment
- University of Pannonia, MA in Tourism Management (2013)
- University of Pannonia, BA in Tourism and Catering (2010)
- English, advanced level
- Italian, intermediate level
- Corporate Social Responsibility in the lodging industry
- Examination of employee’s satisfaction
- Partnerships in destination management
- Sustainable, intelligent and inclusive regional and city models (http://susmain.uni-pannon.hu/)
- Hungarian Geographical Society – member;
- Hungarian Academic of Siences Transdanubian Scientific Department of the Regional Research Center – member;
- Kaposvár branch – founding member;
- Regional Workshop – founding member, University of Kaposvár;
- Member of the Hungarian National Rural Network;
Hungarian Urbanistic Society, Young Urbanists Section; - Organizer of several conferences;
- Volunteer helper for two NGOs.
- Monday 8:00-10:00, and Tueasday 9:00-10:00 (pre-negotiation by e-mail required)